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It’s Time to Rethink Your Personal Guiding Principles

What a year 2020 has been so far! It feels like the longest and fastest year all rolled into one.
In a moment in time that turns everything on its head and delivers such a high degree of uncertainty, it’s important to reground, remember and rethink our fundamental foundation. For me, that means asking myself what do I believe in and what are the guiding principles that will help me to operate with resilience, happiness and excellence.
Now, more than ever, is a good time to revisit our personal North Star and operating tenets. Below I share mine, but also the framework with which I created them, which is to follow a simple three step process.
Note, this deep work should be done when you have the mental and physical space to do so, free of distractions. I completed these last Sunday, in something I dub “Strategy Sunday.” Whatever works best for you, the key is that you need to give this the time and attention it deserves to fully capture who you are, what it is you are trying to achieve and when, why you want to do this, and ultimately, how you will get there.
This three step process will help you to answer the who, what, when, why and how:
- Start with the end in mind. Think of writing this as a press release, or at minimum, the headline and date. This…