7 Simple Steps I Learned to Sell Strategically (That You Don’t Have to Pay $10K For)
Sales training completely failed in teaching me how to sell strategically.
So I spent over 10,000 hours developing a better way to operate.
Then, I distilled what I learned into 7 simple steps ↓
But unlike other programs, these won’t cost you $10K.
Here they are for free:
1 | Get in the right environment
- To close big deals, be in a big deal environment
- Find a place that truly wants you, the human
- In this order: People, culture, comp plan
2 | Be super strategic with your account list
- Define 5 criteria that are important to you and make you unique
- Plot out this criteria and your accounts on a Venn diagram
- Prioritize working the accounts that land in the middle
3 | Break through perceived personal limitations
- Embrace imposter syndrome as a healthy sign of growth
- Write down 10 of your personal traits you use daily
- Identify the negative ones and repurpose them
4 | Create a standard no one else delivers
- Know the prospect’s customer experience better than they do
- Use design thinking principles to co-design a solution
- Go deeper on a small subset of accounts
5 | Build a transformation mindset
- Get prospects to think big, but act small
- Use optionality in your proposals
- Focus on outcomes and risks
6 | Rally others in your org to close deals with you
- Be a generalist with your skillset, but a specialist w/ your outcomes
- The internal sell is just as important as the external one
- Make others’ jobs as easy as possible on your deals
7 | Develop a personal operating system
- Always prioritize your health and wellbeing above hustling and grinding
- Tasks: Define, eliminate, automate, delegate, outsource, or prioritize
- Use frameworks and mental models to get really good w/ decisions
That’s it!
But that’s just a sneak peek of everything I learned on my path to consistently earning 7 figures a year in SaaS sales as a strategic seller.
Tons more and actionable steps you can start taking immediately inside my 74-page ebook-based system: 7 STEPS TO 7 FIGURES